Saturday, August 17, 2019

Miso Soup (Recipe)

Miso soup (misoshiru) is a Japanese soup dish made of miso paste, dashi (fish broth), tofu, and wakame seaweed. Some people add mushrooms as well. Miso soup is easy to make:

Ingredients : (2 people)

- 10g to 20g dry wakame seaweed
- One small box of soft Tofu (100g to 150g)
- 2 spoons of Miso paste
- 5,3g of dashi (check if dashi isn't already there in miso paste)
- 40cl water

Step 1: Cut the wakame seaweed in small pieces if it's not 
already cut. Cut the tofu in small cubes of 1cm of side. 
Put the miso paste in a bowl.

Step 2 :  Pour water and dashi inside a pot. Let it boil on
medium heat.
Add the tofu. Still on medium heat, let the soup boil again. 
Remove the foam.

Step 3 :  Add the wakame and turn off the stoves. The 
wakame gonna re-hydrate fast, no need to cook it.

Step 4 :  Take some of the broth with a spoon and put it on the 
miso paste that you put in the bowl.  Mix well the miso paste 
and the broth with a whisk to dissolve the miso paste, outside of
the soup.

Step 5 :  Pour the dissolved miso paste in the soup.
 (When the miso paste and wakame have been added, DO NOT
 COOK OR BOIL THE SOUP ANYMORE. Turn the stoves off 
completely.  Mix well with a spoon without break the tofu 
cubes. Enjoy! 

My opinion :  Miso soup is delicious and very healthy!  and also low fat and low calories! 

1 comment:

  1. Woooooo miso soup is so tasty and warming on a cold day! I love the broth that it comes in, and it's just the right saltiness to be a great appetizer for a larger meal of Japanese food too.
