Foreign words (CD, Stop,
DVD ...) that installed in Japanese language are only written in Katakana, Because Katakana syllabic writting system is only used for foreign words (unlike Hiragana and Kanjis which are used to write Japanese words)
Most English words that got borrowed by the Japanese Language got "japanized". How to recognize them and know the meaning ? Let's see!
- O and U syllabic letters often are used between two consonnants that follow each other. Japanese people have hard time pronouncing two consonnants in a row. So they add a vowel (mostly O or U) between those two consonnants. Exemple: France becomes "Furansu". Front become Furonto, etc...
-Besides the final consonnant "N", most japanese words end with a vowel. So every english words that end with a consonnant are modified and added a vowel at the end, example:
Bus = Basu
Ham = Hamu
Cheese = Chizu
Stop = Sutoppu
Speed = Supido
Credit Card = Kurejitto Kado
- C becomes K (the letter C doesn't exist in Japanese), the L becomes R, V becomes B, F becomes H and Z becomes J.
The word "France". In japanese it is: Furansu. Like said above, Japanese people have hard time pronouncing two consonnants at once so they add a vowel which is mostly U and O , between the two consonnants.That is why France becomes Furansu. U separates the two consonnants.
Another exemple: Card turns into Kado
Ki is sometimes more used than Ku , Exemple: Cake becomes Keki
SPEED will be said as SUPIDO... etc..
Elevator: Erebeta (V is non-existing in Japanese so they replace with a B)
Coffee = Kohi (le F turns into H)
Bus = Basu
Ham = Hamu
Cheese = Chizu
Chocolate = Chokoreto
Some katakana words are shortened. Exemples:
Television becomes Terebi
Supermarket becomes Supa
Sandwich becomes Sando
Some words in katakana come from French language (but it's very rare, it's mostly from English) example:
Jupon becomes Zubon.. "Coup d'état" becomes Kudeta
Merry Christmas = Meri Kurisumasu
Koreans also use english words that have been "koreanized"
Exemple: Konpyuteo (Computer). Or Merry Christmas: Meri Keuriseumaseu (it is "eu" whereas Japanese use "u" to separate two consonnants).
Some words in katakana (come from English, but "Japanized") :
Cocktail : Kakuteru
Front Desk : Furonto
Credit Card: Kurejitto Kado
Check-in = Chekku-in
Flight = Furaito
Tokyo Sky Tree = Tokyo Sukai Tsuri
Convenience Store: Konbini
Stop = Sutoppu
CD = Shi-Di (shee-dee)
Diet : Dai-e-tto
Lemon = Remon
France = Furansu
America = Amerika
Cream = Kurimu
Ice Cream = Aisu Kurimu